• Back in Africa


    Hello everyone, it's been a while since I wrote something here. My apologies

    Well, I've been back in Kinshasa since a month. We encountered some surprises since then. For example the news that SADR, the company which let us stay in and use their facilities in the bush, closed their farm and pretty much took everything that was loose and had value to Tshikapa. The buildings we can still use and as a bonus also some farm land from which we can harvest and sell the produce, that is, if there is anything left by the time we get back there.

    The construction of the school was halted because the truck that was used to transport the briques from the furnace to the school was rendered useless. We first thought of getting it running again but opted for the use of a push-push, a two wheeled cart with big handles on both sides which is widely used here.

    Because our living quarters there are temporary, we have to start looking into building our own. We will do this on the land that was acquired. All the stored furniture, beds etc. from the place where John and Kaylee lived before will come in handy, but will all have to be transported to Mushapo. Thank God we met someone who wants to help with this.



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